Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The OK Plateau

Josh realized that after awhile his scores were not improving. He attributed this to a phenomena called the OK plateau. Basically, the body gets to a certain skill level and says 'there is no reason to improve anymore beyond this level' and stops getting improving. A simple way around this is to focus on your technique, stay goal-oriented and get constant and immediate feedback on your performance. Focusing on these three things while you purposefully fail by putting yourself in a situation harder than you can perform is the best way to beat the OK plateau. An easy way to do this is if you are trying to memorize a deck of cards faster is to set up a metronome to click at the same speed that you are able to memorize a card. Then, increase the speed by 10-15% so you cannot memorize fast enough. This forces you to speed up. While it will be very difficult to not make any mistakes, eventually in a couple of days you will be able to achieve that speed.

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