Sunday, October 23, 2011


I finished "Moonwalking with Einstein" today and I thought it was a fantastic book that is a must read for anyone interested in mnemonics. My next step is to get another book and begin reading it, preferably one that discusses more detail about the actual techniques used at one of these competitions. Josh's book mentioned multiple books that he had read in his journey to becoming a memory champion. Ed Cooke, his trainer, suggested reading all of the literature from when mnenonics were first recorded, such as The Ad Herennium. I also want to start developing about twelve memory palaces because that is how much Ed said you would need to begin practicing. Sometime in the future, after creating more memory palaces and learning how to memorize lists, I would like to develop a PAO system for numbers for myself. Josh's book mentioned mental math techniques as well as speed reading and that is definitely something I want to look into as well.
There are a lot of cool random bits of information that I would love to memorize - one of the most important being the periodic table. The motivation behind this is to be able to easily memorize the 100+ reactions that I will be required to memorize my following semester  for organic synthesis.

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